Gallery of prints coming soon!

art Commissions

Each commissioned piece is hand-created and inspired by systems of astrology, numerology, tarot, mythology, music, and Animal/Crystal/color/plant/& moon symbolism. Each piece may include watercolor, collage, calligraphy, paint pens & other surprise modalities.


Custom Astrology Birth Chart

Commission a hand-painted map of the planetary alignments during your key life events.

Have a birth chart made for:

  • your birthday (Considered your astrological birth chart)

  • a wedding day

  • the birth of a child

  • the birth of a business

  • The day a beloved pet arrives

  • significant life events

Placenta Reading Key

(An accompaniment to your placenta reading)

A Hand-Crafted art piece with symbols and text to mirror your placenta reading. Artisan-made using elements of watercolor, collage, and select themes from the reading. An amazing way to keep the wisdom of a placenta reading close for reference as your baby grows.

Find info on Placenta Readings
